National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) was established in 2005 to regulate & manage TVET Sector in Pakistan. NAVTTC, under Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, is the apex body mandated to promote, facilitate, regulate, strategize, revamp, approve curricula, train, and provide policy direction for country’s entire Technical & Vocational Education and Training and development system.
National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) was established in 2005 to regulate & manage TVET Sector in Pakistan. NAVTTC, under Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, is the apex body mandated to promote, facilitate, regulate, strategize, revamp, approve curricula, train, and provide policy direction for country’s entire Technical & Vocational Education and Training and development system.
Skills for Employability, Skills for All.
To provide direction, support and an enabling environment to the public and private sectors to implement training for skills development in order to enhance social and economic profile.
Since its inception, NAVTTC has taken several interventions for reforming TVET sector in Pakistan. As a first step, it evolved a National Skills Strategy in consultation with all the stakeholders including industrialists, chambers of commerce, employers, academia, policy makers and international development partners. The NSS provides a comprehensive action plan for revamping of TVET in the country. Several actions have already been taken on the recommendations contained in the NSS, which includes development of National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF), national qualifications system for teachers, code of conduct, accreditation system, HRD policy for TVET, skill standards, and curricula in priority areas.
NAVTTC has made major contribution to Pakistan’s national human resource development, and has generated a large number of employments for the skilled youth, overseas and nationally, benefitting the individuals as well as the national economy. NAVTTC accords a high priority to address the issues being faced by neglected geographical areas, marginalized segments of society; and uplift TVET sector in country.